1. To develop general athleticism along with sport-specific strength and conditioning to enhance performance.
  2. Promote the development of athletic potential through an individualized and developmentally appropriate program to suit the needs of the sport and athlete.
  3. Build confidence, work ethic and capacity, along with the desire to continually challenge oneself in the pursuit of excellence.
  4. Educate and engage athletes in the development of secondary benefits of athletic participation.


Sessions contain more than just sets, reps, and sweat.  At Athletic Evolution we believe that sport and activity are the perfect vehicles to learn skills that will not only improve athletic prowess, but also develop tools to use beyond the court, field, turf, etc to life such as communication skills, planning and proactivity, leadership, and self-discipline.

At Athletic Evolution we foster friendships through training, create a culture of commitment, AND Build Champions…in Sport! In Life!

If it doesn’t Challenge you, it doesn’t Change you.