What inspired you to get into the fitness industry/become a personal trainer?
Once I began to understand the impact of healthy eating and exercise. my overall quality of life was improved! My sleep was better, I had more energy, and my mood was more positive throughout the day. I experienced how taking control of my own habits led to beneficial results for my body and mind. It inspired me to lead a healthy lifestyle and help others do the same.
What do you like about training and fitness?
I like the versatility. There is something for different types of training levels, styles, and preferences. It definitely is an art and a science, you can get extremely creative during training and fitness supported by the science behind the movements.
What do you enjoy most about the plan to become a personal trainer?
I enjoy the experience of learning, leading, and meeting different types of people. Everyone has a story and reason for their goals. I believe it will be rewarding to help others smash through obstacles and become the best version of themselves.
If you would create a holiday, what would it be called and how would we celebrate it? When would this holiday be?
I would create a 3 day holiday (Wednesday-Friday) called “Shutdown Remembrance,” inspired by the impact COVID-19 had on us globally. With this holiday, everyone will shut down for a period of 3 days to remember those that we lost, give time for people to spend time with their families, and most importantly, give our earth the cleanse it has received during shutdown periods. I would like this holiday to be in the summer months.
What 3 famous people, living or dead, would you want at your fantasy dinner party?
The three famous people would be Jim Carrey, Will Smith, and Olivia Munn.