Written by: Coach Andrea
No gym? No problem! While we enter an exercise and sport enthusiasts worst nightmare of no gyms, no parks, no practices, and no leagues or competitions we can sulk in our sofas OR get creative and active!
Do you have space in your garage, yard, or living room? Use the space to exercise.
Do you have an internet connection and a camera on your computer? Schedule a live training session and join Coach Andrea and possibly others for exercise!
Here are a few ways to stay up-to-date with your training options:
Online Training via Trainerize
This is a fantastic app that allows me to create individualized workouts that are easily accessible to you. It’s easy to stay fit with it! Workout on your own time, in your own space, and with your own equipment! There are videos that come from yours truly demonstrating the exercises, as well as sets & reps or timers.
Live Training via Zoom
I am at my house and you are at yours! We both set up Zoom on our phones, tablets, or laptops and I “take” you through a workout; it allows me to see you, make corrections if needed, but adheres to ‘social distancing.’
Live Group Exercise Training via Zoom
Group training is possible while at home and it’s a great way to stay connected. Now picture all of those folks in exercise clothes with an exercise mat and some bands following Coach Andrea for a group workout session then finishing with a stretch and some chat time! How awesome does that sound?
Speaking of scheduling some sessions, I’d like to introduce a new and improved scheduling system I transitioned to – Acuity. Acuity integrates with Zoom, Trainerize, AND Kajabi (stay tuned for some awesome online education options for life, leadership, as well as professional development courses!)
With Acuity, you can:
- Schedule your Zoom session through my website and instantly get the Zoom link in your confirmation email!
- Purchase your Trainerize Training through the scheduling system on the website!
All exciting, right!? Contact me for more information about how to get started.