1. Technique instruction–whether you are learning how to perfect your squat or push-up, or that new drill that helps your strength transition to sport specific movements, a coach can help you with dialing in the technique through coaching cues, exercise breakdowns, or translating it into other movements that you might be familiar with. On the flip side, doing an exercise incorrectly, repeatedly, can not only result in injury but also wasted time in the weight room.

2. Accountability–when you know that someone is counting on you to show up, both with your effort and your presence, it’s hard to flake out on your training. Coach’s can help you improve your work ethic and your consistency…and when you consistently put in the work good things are bound to happen!

3. Motivation–being internally motivated is great, but sometimes it helps to get a little kick of encouragement from your Coach. Good coaches are keen to spot what helps athletes tick; it might be achieving goals, shout outs on social media, or specific and thoughtful compliments on their effort, attitude, or results.

4. Programming guidance–why plateau with boredom when you can progress with excercise progressions and variability. Program design can target weaknesses and develop athleticism, but also help develop specific skills and abilities.

5. Peaking for an event–when you have try-outs, big competitions, or ___ on the horizon it helps to have a program that has you at your best when you need it the most.

6. Introduction to comprehensive athletic development–training is more than just lifting weights and shuttling to cones. By engaging in a sport-specific training program with a highly qualified coach you can develop all of the physical (and some mental) tools needed for a fun and successful athletic experience.

7. Learn life long skills like confidence and commitment, ownership and responsibility, and dedication that transcend training and help. While they are often called the ‘soft skills’, they are often the foundation of what allows people to be successful in life.

8. Injury prevention–whether former or current injuries are limiting your success or your sport puts you at risk for certain injuries, developing a strong foundation of strength, mobility, and fitness can help the body avoid injury or recovery more quickly when they do happen.

9. Physical capabilities are limiting technical skill development–has your technique improved to the point where your physicality is limiting your progression? This is common, especially with youth sport athletes, as hundreds of hours of private lessons or high level club participation brings their technique and game knowledge beyond what their developing bodies are capable of performing. This also happens for adults who may have a history of injuries, inflexibility, or decreased strength; compensating can help for a while…but eventually attention to dedicated physical training is needed to improve, or even maintain, your game.

10. Education & new exercises/methods–have you been doing the same routine for ages? Are you curious about that new piece of equipment in the gym? Have you wondered if there are any other aspects of development that would help you acheive your goals? A coach can show you a variety of new exercises and ways to train, but also refer you to Sport Psychologists, Sport Nutritionists, Sports Medicine providers, and others from their team of contacts to help you succeed.