December 2023 All Star–Difei Zhu

Difei has been putting in the work since October of 2020.  Whether we are working around injuries, her busy schedule, or Covid she has shown that consistency is key in building a strong foundation for athletic performance.  It’s been awesome … Continued

Top 10–Reasons to Hire a Trainer/Coach

1. Technique instruction–whether you are learning how to perfect your squat or push-up, or that new drill that helps your strength transition to sport specific movements, a coach can help you with dialing in the technique through coaching cues, exercise … Continued

2020 Toe Touch Challenge

What often starts as a funny idea often ends up as a project…because that’s how Coach Andrea rolls! So when I jokingly said that all I wanted for Christmas was for all of my athletes to be able to touch … Continued

Top 10 Tips for Super Sleep!

Sleep needs can vary depending on your age, lifestyle, and preference, but the general guidelines are 7-8 hours for adults and 9-10 hours for children per night…although many survive on less.  In order to turn that survive into thrive, here … Continued

10 Ways to Train Smarter, Not Harder

As much as you may want to go all in to your workout, remember the title of this Top 10: “Train Smarter, Not Harder.” What that means is finding the right training pace, frequency, and exercises that won’t overexert your … Continued